Maybe it's this guy.
Published Wednesday, February 08, 2006 by Dave | E-mail this post
What bugs me about the word "blog" is the stereotypical geek humour associated with it. Have you ever met a computer programmer? I don't mean somebody who dabbles in coding HTML or something. I mean hard-core. Somebody who lives for the language of the machine. Have you ever met one of those guys? (or gals, for that matter.) They would find the word "blog" hilarious. Just funny as "all get out". Why? Because it's an ugly word that rolls off the tongue as gracefully as "globule" or "pustular gangrene" or "realigning the warp coils". Computer programmers love that shit. Sure, as in everything, there are likely many exceptions, but I'm talking about hard-core, stay up all night coding the next incarnation of Windows XP server software, LARP playing, wit-meisters who gleefully spout such terms as "lamer", and type such unbearable acronyms as "LMAOROTF"
I can just imagine the hilarity that ensued after the aforementioned first made the connection: "web log... web log... weblog... blog... BLOG! hahahahahahahhaa. BLOG. BLOG. BLOG. it's like my alien character's name in Baldur's Gate!"
Of course, now we're stuck with it. Thanks a lot. Lightning bolt!
hehe haha hoho You blogger. :O
(okay, now I can't laugh without really appearing to be a dork)