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Cigarettes and Bleach

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Just wanted to make my blog live up to its name, although simply not ever writing another entry would suffice. Anyway I'm cleaning up this dump so that Gary won't run screaming when he comes for a visit tomorrow night. We're going to hit the pub and partake of the Irish beer. But must clean first.

So I'm making use of my personal home cleaning product which I created myself, and which (when sprayed from a spray bottle) cleans better than anything I've ever bought. I will now name those ingredients:

1. Water
2. Dish soap
3. Bleach

Yes, that's right. No more will I ever purchase a bottle of crap for seven dollars that just smears the mess around a little. This stuff will nuke the dirt at the site. Were it not for my headphones and my iPod and Marvin Suicide blaring, I could surely hear the bacteria as I enter the bathroom as they scream in horror, "Nooooooooo! Not the 'special' mixture!!! AAAAAAHHHHHH" and then they die.

I sit now in satisfaction having nuked the bathroom (including the nasty looking plastic shower curtain, now gleaming in virginal transparency) smoking a cigarette. Oh, and yes the apartment now smells like cigarettes and bleach. Something like a janitor during breaktime.

Now I need to work on a replacement for "Febreeze" to get rid of the stink.

4 Responses to “Cigarettes and Bleach”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Ahhh... the scent of "visitors on the way." When I was much younger it was always ammonia and Comet cleanser. Ahh it does make things seem so sterile.

    Have you ever heard of cigarettes and Diet Coke? Drives girls wild. :)

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    just put fabric softener in a bottle that sprays Dave. Just don't spray it too much over a tile floor or you will forget about it, slip like Jerry Lewis and end up on your back staring at the ceiling choking on the bleach aroma.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    oh yeah! please find something to replace febreeze; i love what it does but i hate how it smells.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Dave, you should package and sell that cleaner. Just design a fancy starburst logo and have a completely made up statistic on it, like "Eliminates 40% more ebola."

    Call it Bloap.

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  • From MIssissauga, ON, Canada
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