Sorry if you were wondering, the site is down again, and because of that there will be no show this week. The good news is the site will be back up on Dec 1st (Friday) and even better, it should never go down again because I've found a way to host the files for free. Curious about this? visit and download the free "spinXpress2" for quick uploading. A bit confusing to get into, but once done the initial setup it's pretty brainless.
If you'd like to test the download speed, try downloading
this file (an enhanced version of episode 58 with a built in slide show if you view it in iTunes, a video iPod, or a current version of Quicktime) I get about 55 megawhatsits per second when I download it, and for free, I think that's plenty.
Wow -- this has just been a tough month for you, Dave hasn't it? ... what with the site going down twice and your Mac [figuratively] blowing up and smoking your data... super-bummer! But if it's true about trouble coming in threes... it should be getting better from HERE ON OUT. :-D. That's great news about the new hosting site -- thanks for doing the detective work. I, for one, hope never, ever, EVER to see that nasty "We're Sorry" screen again!
oh, poor baby. and tomorrow i'll be doing the news all day and was hoping for delightful distraction and entertainment. oh well. good news on the new hosting site tho...what would i do without my weekly dose of Dave?
Hey Dave,
Glad to see you getting out of .mac. Enough with the exceeded bandwith crapola.
I hope the new host works out. Sounds too good to be true!
Always the skeptic.....
Works great Dave, as fast as the old download, or faster (3 min or less). Hope that solves all your cc problems forEVER!
Well, I knew I should have bookmarked your blog before the end of the month. Glad to hear all is well and looking forward to the next show!