Digressions and Podcastinations
Published Sunday, July 30, 2006 by Dave | E-mail this post 
This is my Coronation Street morning. My co-workers laugh at me because I'm such an old lady with my Coro fanaticism. But it's one of those comfort things that I'd be hard pressed to do without. It usually starts with a nice cup of strong coffee (see "coffee in the marnin") and a ciggy while I answer some emails and maybe write in the blog. Then when I'm good and caffeinated I sit down in my nice, big, luxurious, brown-leather couch (the only nice thing I really had the heart to take with me from Calgary. I didn't want the kids to do without any of the stuff they'd gotten used to, plus I don't think I actually owned much more than that) and click the several hundred buttons it takes to get a TV working these days. Funny how that has not gotten simpler with the modern wonders of technology. It seems like I need about five remote controls just to turn on the CBC. But I digress...
I'm glad I have Coronation Street today, because this is also Chub Creek day. Because I'm a hopeless procrastinator I usuallly save doing the show for last thing Sunday night, but sometimes if I'm ambitious I might start it earlier. But Coronation Street gives me a reason to delay doing Chub Creek for a couple of guilt-free hours while I immerse myself in the Weatherfield goodness the show always offers. Why do I want to delay doing the show so much?
It's because this will be a difficult one. I can't say much about why, but this will be one of the most difficult shows I've ever done and I really don't want it to start or end. Maybe you can guess why. But if you're reading this Monday or later you'll already understand. I've even begun scribbling on my chalkboard some ideas for the show so it's a bit easier for me when I get down to it. It's amazing how emotions come into play during the silliest things, but it's also amazing how those silly things sometimes become the most important things.
So I'm going to refill my coffee now and maybe have another ciggy and just savour that little bit of morning that I love just before I start watching Coro. I hope this is a good one. I might even treat myself to some bacon and eggs the way they love to go on about eating on the show. They always seem to be eating bacon "butties" and quaffing gallons of tea and ale. I think they've cut down on the smoking lately for political reasons, so there's that. But watching them eat and drink all that stuff makes me want to smoke even more.
But I digress again...
Now where are those five remotes?
If you like Coronation Street, you might just like this lovely little website http://www.corrieblog.tv
The show was good... and sad.
just wanted to say Hi :)
I wonder, if there will be another posting. But better the podcast instead of postings than vice versa. Who needs a blog, if one gots a podcast?