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Okay, be honest. How many of you have seen that photo of me and are driving yourselves crazy wanting to pluck that long hair out of my eyebrow? And then, how many of those are dying to tear off that Biore strip and look at it? Just wondering.

14 Responses to “Eyebrow”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    wow... you sure are egotistical.... No, no one cares about your eyebrow hair.......... or anything else about you.... so ... just go out and do something POSITIVE and uplifting with your life!!! and then maybe otheres will care......

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Chuck, are you sure you wouldn't like to pluck my eyebrow hair? I really think you should take another look. Would you like me to pluck yours? I'd be fine with that. Have you ever tried biore strips?

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Wow, is Chuck for real? What a rude comment...

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Anony? What an interesting name...

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Well, I've seen the long eyebrow hair up close and I thought it was cute (even charming?)... however, if there were a few more, I'd be tempted to grab my tweezers ;) Hee hee. Oh, but I draw the line at popping other people's zits... nope, not going to happen.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Um, I hadn't really noticed the long hair now that you mention it. And honestly I thought it might be a Breathe Right strip. I'll just shuffle off this way....

  7. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Chuck - I Love You

  8. Anonymous Anonymous 

    A Biore strip! All this time I thought it was one of those sore reduction nose thingies.

    And I'm surprised that someone would come to your personal blog and then complain that it's all about you. Um, what was he expecting?

  9. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I can't believe you gals don't know a biore strip when you see one. Sheesh. And about Chuck, I have a strong suspicion that it's Gary in disguise. Good one you bugger. Hey why is everybody honking outside? Did somebody finally win the soccer thingy? About time.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Geez, here I thought it was a big breathe-right thingy for an oversized honker. As to the long eyebrow hair, I have one word — Photoshop.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I had no idea it was a biore strip, either. I thought it was a bandage. Like you had gotten in a bar fight. Or maybe had a nose job.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Well, no, I am not Chuck. I'm not that computer savvy that I could have done that without Dave knowing it was me. haha. That was funny though. I never noticed the long eyebrow hair by the way. But the nose thing? I'm not sure if I had ever asked Dave about it. But it is very strange...haha.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Ha! I am a moron... never even really looked at the photo on the top of your site. It's nice to know all of your hard work is being appreciated, eh?
    But it looks like a band-aid, and that kind of fits the theme of sucking, doesn't it?

  14. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I didn't know it was one of the biore things either - I never buy those things, I thought it was one of those breathe right strips or some sort of weird hockey garb. ha and I wouldn't pluck the eyebrows, wax is better =P

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