It's just fun to click on a google image search and see what comes up. In my case it was this fellow. I have no idea who he is, but I like him.
Don't you hate it when you haven't written in your blog for a few days? Damn that pressure, eh? There, I used "eh" in a sentence. I wonder what the correct word is that would substitute for "eh" in that sentence. I guess the only possible answer is: "wouldn't you say?". That's lame. Who says that? Nobody, that's who. That's why we Canadians are so smart, eh?
Just listening to Cast-On (at www.cast-on.com) a podcast for knitters, and man, she must have something great going there because I know nothing about knitting and have no interest in it whatsoever, yet I find the show so good. (I'd better be careful here, because I believe Brenda Dayne's partner reads this blog) But really... I don't even like sweaters. They're itchy, and they bug my neck. I don't even like toques, because I have a 24.5 inch head that defies all forms of head gear. But if you are a knitter, please let me know and I'll send you my address. I would ideally like my toque to read "DINK" at the front. Or maybe "Chub Creek" or maybe "Chub Creek" on the front and "DINK" on the back. Actually that might be a bad idea, because it has come to my attention that our favourite slang for "penis" also means somemthing racist having to do with Vietnamese soldiers. That was absolutely not our intention for it to be interpreted in that way, but I'd hate to think what might happen were somebody from anywhere near Vietnam walking behind me while wearing my toque.
I have no idea how I got onto that subject. You know, podcasting has allowed me to become much more relaxed about blogging. It's because before I was a podcaster I was under the illusion that masses of people might read the entries, and therefore I must make sure something worth reading is always available here. Of course, now I know that's nonsense, and I would have a bigger audience in a public elevator should I ever decide to enlighten its occupants with my meanderings of my big head.
Can't think of a way to wrap this up yet, so I guess I'll keep going. Do you agree that there's an annoyance point in blogs where you realize that the one you're reading is just long enough to cross the threshold of it being "work" rather than "fun" reading it? No? Okay, well it wasn't your blog I was referring to then.
Have a great evening. Chinese food's on the way. I hope I don't eat anything gross this time (see Egg Foo Yuk). And please don't think I'm on some sort of anti-Asian kick, because I'm not. Oh brother, I'd better quit while I'm ahead. Actually this Chinese food is the best on earth, because it has a Thai influence. There's a salt and pepper squid which is to die for.
Okay I think I've crossed the threshold. Bye.